Latex Mattress Certifications- What to Look For
The rush toward achieving a natural sleeping environment has lead to an up surge in sales for mattresses containing natural latex foam rubber. Sellers of latex mattresses are marketing certifications of the mattress or of the components in the mattress to convenience potential customers to select them. So, just how important are certifications, what do they add to the cost, do they add to the value, and what do they “certify”. Here is a list of the top certifications you will find when researching latex mattresses.

Any latex tested by OEKO-TEX certification would fall under the class 1 of their certification. Clas 1 means that it is safe even for babies and toddlers! It means the mattress is made without prohibited phthalates, ozone depleters, PBDEs, mercury, Lead, heavy metals, formaldehyde or any harmful chemicals. The STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX is a worldwide consistent, independent testing and certification system for raw, semi-finished, and finished textile products at all processing levels, as well as accessory materials used.